Noise is such a captivating feature of our lives because we are constantly surrounded by it daily, but usually pay no mind to it.A few of my colleagues and I set out on an research task to measure the sound levels around different parts of Brooklyn College campus. In this research experiment myself and 5 other class mates each used our phones(using a sound measuring app) to go to 6 areas on campus to see which area in fact was the loudest.
The area that I measured was the Brooklyn College library entrance. Through this research I found that it was the loudest area on Campus out of the 6 locations we measured. We were just left with the question of why this was the case? I started to just list many different factors that affected this. One would be the weather that we are currently experiencing. Since it is so cold you aren’t going to see many students out on the quad, but more inside obviously. Our library is one of our largest buildings on campus and their is constantly students coming in and out of their to do work and even socialize. -(Link for instructions on how to use a sound app)
Furthermore, we are also nearing the time of the semester when midterms come into our schedules. Thus, creating more foot traffic in the library and noise levels increasing. Compared to the other areas my colleagues measured including(James hall entrance, SUBO entrance, Junction entrance, Boylan hall entrance, and West quad) the library was substantially louder. This research project was very unique and it was satisfying to see results from a project that required a lot of thought. Having team members really made the process easier for all of us and also more enjoyable. If you’re ever curious about the sound levels or just different noises in your area and want to learn what they truly consists of than just pick up your smartphone, download the app, and get to work.
Till next time.