Gender is one of the most controversial topics discussed in current day America. Does Gender however, deal with a person's body language? I feel as if it does make up a huge portion of a person's gender. Gender deals with how you identify yourself as an individual being and the persona you carry with yourself in your everyday life. Body language is essential aspect of a human being in expressing their emotional feelings. \
An example of a body language that men and women express very differently would be nodding. Nodding is used to show agreement with something, or just a basic understanding. However when men nod it is usually just to show agreement with a partner or just an accomplice. When a woman nods her head she could be agreeing with you, but also she is mostly just trying to show you that she is listening and being attentive to the conversation.
Touch is another form of body language that varys per gender. Men like to use touch to signify dominance and power. While woman use touch to show signs of interest and camaraderie. Furthermore, body language is a very important aspect to gender and more importantly communication through gender. Without body language we wouldn't have any unique distinctions that separate us from each other.